Price Match Guarantee

Here at Sex Toys 123 we want to make sure you get the best service at the cheapest price. We strive to make our prices the cheapest in the UK an constantly check our competitors to make sure of this. We are so confident in our prices that we are prepared to beat any price that you find cheaper than us we will beat that price by £1 and give you a £10 SexToys123 gift voucher after you make a purchase as a thank you for doing our job for us.

In order to make a price match request please email [email protected] with the details of the product, the website this product is offered on and the price difference. 

You must make the price match claim with in 7 days of purchace.

To Qualify

  • Must be a UK site.
  • Product must be in stock and ready to dispatch
  • Excludes items on special offer.
  • Postage Costs will be taken into account when comparing.
  • Cannot be used in conjunction with any offers, promotions or discount codes.

*Please note we will NOT price match eBay / Amazon or any other auction websites.
*Please note we will NOT price match the following brands as they are price locked by the manufacturer: Fleshlight, Bathmate.